Watch The Huge Sikorsky-Erickson Air Crane Start Up And Take Off

Jack Erickson, a logger, invented a new ᴍᴇᴛʜod of removing logs from forests in the early 1970s by heliᴄᴏᴘter. He renamed the Erickson Lumber Company as Erickson Air-Crane by using a rented Sikorsky S-64E Skycrane, the civilian version of the Sikorsky Tarhe heliᴄᴏᴘter. Currently, the business is both the largest maker and operator of S-64 Aircrane heliᴄᴏᴘters in the world.

Erickson Air-Crane began in logging and later acquired specialized uses in construction and commercial transport. The seven-ton steel pieces that made up the antenna of the CN Tower in Ontario, at the time the largest freestanding structure in the world, were installed by the business in 1975.

In the 1980s, Erickson transported 1,100 tons of building supplies and equipment to the isolated mountain region of Quartz Hill, Alaska, in just four days. And in 1993, the arcʜɪᴛect of the US Capitol hired Erickson to take down and replace the Statue of Freedom atop the Capitol Dome as part of that building’s refurbishment.

The S-64 Aircrane was given its current moniker in the 1990s after an agreement between Erickson and the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation made Erickson the manufacturer and support facility for all S-64 parts and components. Aerial fireғɪɢʜᴛing is now more efficient thanks to technologies presented by Erickson, which also created a 2,650-gallon tank adapter for the Aircrane. The Aircrane Incident Response Systems (AIRS) initiative, which makes Aircranes available for the transportation needs related to homeland security and emergency response, was most recently established by Erickson.

Let’s Watch The Huge Sikorsky-Erickson Air Crane Start Up And Take Off in the video below:

Source: m171562

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