Amazing Modern Bale Picker Stacker Machines, How To Harvest And Bale Hay

Hay can be harvested at various times, and the best time to do so is when the crop will yield the most while still providing the most nutritional value. Hay crops should ideally be gathered right as they start to bloom. Before all that nutrition is directed toward seed formation, the stalks are at their peak nutritional density when flowers start to bloom. A lower overall output could be the result of an early harvest, whereas a later harvest results in hay that is less nourishing for the cattle.


After cutting, the hay should be spread out evenly to completely dry before baling. The hay may be able to dry effectively on the ground depending on the weather and its weight, or it may need to be raised up for greater airflow. The hay can be turned or raked to help it dry uniformly. There are drying chemicals that may be put on cut hay to help it dry more rapidly, but if you like more organic, minimally-processed hay, this may not be desirable.


It’s time to bale the hay after it has been cut and dried. It might not be necessary to bale hay at all if your harvest is small; instead, it can be stored free in stacks or in a barn loft. However, baling compactifies the hay for simpler storage or transportation, particularly if it will be sold.


Machines are often used for baling, which can be done in either a round or rectangular shape depending on the baling equipment and preferences. Twine is the least expensive option, but it can also break or deteriorate more easily. Wire and netting are more expensive but more lasting options.

Let’s take a look at Amazing Modern Bale Picker Stacker Machines in the video below:

Source: Lord Gizmo

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