Walnut Cultivation And Harvesting With Modern Technology, Walnut Processing Factory

Tree shakers, automated sweepers, sorters, scanners, packers, processors, and water stress sensors have changed the walnut farming industry. First, the shaking process takes place. You sway the tree and scatter the nuts on the ground. Then, there are mechanical sweepers on either side of each tree that effectively sweep all the nuts off the ground and into windrows that are about three feet wide.

A pickup truck, also referred to as a harvester, then picks them up off the ground and separates the soil, sticks, and leaves before packing them into trailers. Compared to what was originally picked up off the ground, they are significantly cleaner after this.

The nuts are then sent by truck to the huller, where they are cleaned and washed and the 30 to 40 percent to which the green husk is still attached are stripped of it. The third step is to dry the nuts, which entails packing them into sizable storage containers and blowing heated air through them to lower their moisture content to under 8%.

They are then stable enough to be transferred to the processing warehouse. Once there, they can be further processed, cracked, packaged, or whatever else needs to be done with them.

Let’s take a look at Walnut Cultivation And Harvesting With Modern Technology, Walnut Processing Factory in the video below:

Source: Noal Farm

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