Watch Scarifier Bracke Forest T26a Disc Trencher Rip Apart The Ground With Its Powerful Arm

The movie below is perfect for you if you like to watch the earth being torn apart like a stick of soft butter. When it comes to excavating trenches, the Bracke T26.a is a monster. It quickly rips through a rocky and wooded area that is littered with stones, tree roots, and other obstacles. The Bracke T26.a Scarifier Disc Trencher makes trenching easy and worry-free, even in the most challenging terrain.


Being the strongest disc trencher the company has to offer has given it the right to have such a scary name. Planting has never been easier. With features like changeable arm settings and lifting pressure, the T26.a is not just efficient but also cutting edge.


According to Bracke, this versatile attachment weighs 3,450 kg and can be put on any forwarder or skidder (which currently identifies it as the T26.b). There are additional functions including a site data seeder and a printer, and the discs have replaceable teeth.


Let’s Watch Scarifier Bracke Forest T26a Disc Trencher Rip Apart The Ground With Its Powerful Arm in the video below:

Source: Mᴀʟɪnovski

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