Watch The Biggest Bulldozer In The World Komatsu D575 Working In The Mountains

It is simple to see how the Komatsu D575A crawler tractor got the title of “biggest working crawler tractor in the world” given its enormous size and capacity. The D575A crawler tractor is enormous in every way. 

It is 16 feet tall from track bottom to cab top, dwarfing a man of ordinary height by more than 10 feet. It is nearly three times the size of a typical car and it weighs ᴄʟᴏsᴇ to 300,000 pounds.

The Komatsu 575A can easily clear ground material with only one pass of its revolutionary 90-yard capacity Super Dozer Blade, which would normally require 720 wheelbarrow loads to move. The Super Dozer Blade alone is 11 feet tall and weighty at 22,000 lbs.

The Caterpillar D11 is the D575A’s ᴄʟᴏsᴇst rival in terms of size and blade capacity. However, the D11 falls short of the D575A in terms of both height and blade capacity. Despite their different sizes, the D11 and the D575A are both customized equipment for the mining and quarry industries and the settings they operate in.

Let’s watch the biggest bulldozer in the world Komatsu D575 working in the mountains in the video below:


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