Watch World’s Modern Peat Harvesting Equipment Working, It’s So Amazing!

Surveys are done to see if a location has horticulture-grade sphagnum before a business opens a new peat bog for harvesting. Since it is ideal for a bog to be able to be harvested for many years, the peat should be at least two meters deep. Ditches are constructed to channel away surface water, and access roads are constructed to facilitate the use of large machinery.

When bogs are not frozen, which is typically from May to September, harvesting takes place. In order to prevent the underlying bog from eroding away, milling machines are employed to loosen only the top inch or two of peat.

For a few days, the top layer is left to dry in the sun. Contrary to popular belief, peat is no longer harvested by being cut into substantial bricks. Instead, peat is very carefully harvested from fields using vacuum harvesters, which pull fibers from the top inch or so of soil. 

The peat is not physically disturbed as much when vacuum harvesters are used. Maintaining the integrity of the peat fibers is the aim of the entire harvesting and processing process. Sphagnum fibers are susceptible to mechanical injury, which reduces its porosity in a container and increases dust production. Throughout the year, different passes can be made over the same field.

Let’s Watch World’s Modern Peat Harvesting Equipment Working in the video below:

Source: FS Farmer

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